Dear visitor, thank you for choosing to enter my page! Congratulations!
Since you are here, you have clearly realized that I am the most special, unique and beautiful. Joking or not. And to prove it to you, Jeanina chose the boldest color for my representation, intense red in combination with my black plumage… a splendor. The beak is expertly crafted with 22k gold leaf. Out of all apartment 95, only I received such a distinction. Should I also tell you that the artist bears my name?!
Did you know that the Indians of the American prairie consider me the infallible guide, both in the water and in the sky? I am wonderful! They also used my feathers in certain ritual ceremonies. I like Indians. On the other hand, I don’t have a champagne for the Irish, who we know why, but we don’t say here, it confuses me with the swan. However, there are representations of me on certain Celtic objects from the La Tene culture.
Ohh I am a precious history!