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Kali’s Cat


Acrylic on canvas

Size:  75 x 121.6 x 2 cm

”Kali’s Cat” it was an artworks exhibited during the Fine Art Vision 20/20 event.

*Composition made according to the golden number, sacred geometry.


When oameni think about zeițe hinduse, majoritatea dintre voi se gândesc la eleganță, iubire și frumusețe. But eu, zeița Kali, I’m different în every way. You need courage to look at me; I have a înfățișare terrifying, with black skin, fiind created to destroy. I’m often feared și considered the goddess of witches and the tantric.

But eu, Kali, also represent the feminine form of time. As it is said in many Vidhyas, I will consume your lume at the end of time; atunci the world will be dark și unbound like me. Thus, the worship of me is done to overcome the greatest power of the universe, time.

I symbolize the superiority of women in nature. I am that mother who would do anything to protect și guide her children. I’m the symbol of Shakti, feminine power și creativity. I defy the definition of an ideal goddess și I am beyond the understanding of mankind și the rules of nature. I still have a core of love și motherhood.

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