Hi all! I finally have the opportunity to tell you my story related to Apartment 95. I was there when Jeanina came. Convinced that she won’t like me: she’s a beauty, I’m a symbol of power and cruelty, of the warrior caste, wrapped in a communist trinket.
Surprises, surprises!! I got a place of honor, up on the shelf, next to the books. I was a splendor, the king of the house. I got along very well with Jeanina, I fell in love with her. Then at some point I felt like warning her, so I appeared in her dream, as I know best, but I didn’t realize that I would cause her to wake up full of fear. E. Aeppli also says that my strong nature embodies a set of instinctive starts whose confrontation is as dangerous as it is inevitable. He also says that we tigers are always ready to pounce on our prey. It’s true that this is how I manifested myself in that dream, I just wanted to warn her that what was to come in her life would not please her and to prepare herself.
Mmmyes… and in the next morning! She put her hand on me, silent and determined, she kicked me out of the apartment.
Since then we haven’t seen each other. I’m sorry and I know she regrets it too. I know he looked for me on the internet, but I’m not there! I know that one day we will meet again!!
PS: Thank you for this painting. I appreciate that you didn’t paint me with those beads, they didn’t fit my style, but for your sake I wore them to the photo session. If Jeanina was happy, I was too! And life was perfect!