This is my moment, shall I present myself?
I am divine freedom, the flight of the soul, the ecstatic flight of the shaman. You can find me, the blue bird, in Chinese literature where, during the Han dynasty, I was considered a fairy, an immortal, a heavenly messenger. In Islam, I symbolize the world of angels. The Quran considers me the sweet chirping language of angels, representing spiritual knowledge. The poet Saint John Perse wrote that my sisters and I must have retained something from the song of Genesis. God, I love talking about myself… Alright, good, let’s continue… Did I tell you? Ahh… I’m starting now. In Vedic texts, I represent the symbol of the friendship that the gods have towards people. I was meant to retrieve soma, that is, ambrosia, from an inaccessible mountain and bring it to you mortals. My nest is considered a representation of Paradise, the ultimate place to dwell…
Come on, I’ve puffed up my feathers. I kiss you, I love you. Promise, I’m coming back to tell you more.
To be continued…